Poddy Clean Power Clean TFR 25ltr is used for cleaning all traffic grime of all surfaces, I will clean concrete and brick when used through pressure washers. It can also be used as a vehicle cleaner . \n \n \n
Method Of Use
\nPower TFR can be diluted up to 300 to 1 with hot or cold water depending on the severity of the soiling. \n \nIt can be used though pressure washers or manually if preferred. \n \nThe diluted product is appllied to the surface liberally and washed away with water \n \n \nDETERGENTS IN THIS FORMULATION ARE 90% BIODEGRADABLE.
\nInorganic materials are inherently not boidegradable however those present in this formulation/product are either of no known significant environmetal hazard or are readilly neutralised to form inert salts.
\nMore than 90% biodegradable